

Final Score  
1 Home team wins
X Draw
2 Away team wins
Total Goals  
Under Less number of goals than given limit (Under)
Over More number of goals than given limit (Over)
H1 Home team wins with handicap
H2 Away team wins with handicap
Double Chance  
1X Home team wins or draw
12 Home or away team wins
X2 Draw or away team wins
First Half Result  
I1 Home team wins first half
IX Draw on halftime
I2 Away team wins first half
Total Goals I First Half  
I Under Less number of points than given limit in first half(Under)
I Over More number of points than given limit in first half(Over)
Handicap I Half  
IH1 Home team wins first half with handicap
IH2 Away team wins first half with handicap
More goals  
I > More goals in first half
II > More goals in second half
Even / Odd  
Even Even or 0:0
Odd Odd